» RexxVar 1.0 «






     3606 S. 180th St. C-22
     SeaTac, WA 98188-4339

     Contact: Stephen Rondeau
     Phone: 206-246-6077
     email: sbr@halcyon.com


     RexxVar is a simple but powerful way of exchanging data between ARexx
     variables and any program that uses input and output files.  The
     output  from a command or program (including a meaningful error code)
     can be placed in either one ARexx variable or in a stem array, while
     the input to a command or program can be read from either an ARexx
     variable or stem array.

     For example, to sort the values in a stem array called "lines."
     (whose indices ranges from 1 to n, and n is in "lines.0"),  one would

     Address REXXVAR 'Sort from REXXVAR:lines. to REXXVAR:sorted_lines.'

     The "sorted_lines." stem array would be created with an increasing
     integer index, starting at 1.  The total number of "sorted_lines."
     values is placed in "sorted_lines.0".  One can also sort words in a
     variable in a similar fashion.

     Substrings in a variable as well as stem array values can be
     delimited by any character (or none) on input or output.

     Support is also included for arbitrary (i.e., not necessarily numeric
     or increasing in order) stem index values.  For example:

            indices = 'TED BILL'
            fullname.BILL = 'William'
            fullname.TED = 'Theodore'
            fullname.BOB = 'Robert'
            Address REXXVAR "Type from REXXVAR:fullname./nl/indices"

     will output only the values relating to the desired indices:


     In combination with AmigaDOS commands and programs, this facility can
     provide  a familiar and quick-coding means of importing and exporting
     file data (COPY command), passing data among AREXX programs (COPY
     command with PIPE:), listing of stem variable values (TYPE command),
     creation of stem arrays from variable values and vice versa (COPY
     command), extraction of environment variable values (GETENV command),
     editing of a variable's or stem array's values (your favorite
     editor), and more.


     *  AmigaDOS/Kickstart(TM) 2.04 or higher


     RexxVar Facility and Online Documentation: $25
     All prices are in U.S. currency.

     Shipping/handling is $3.00 in the U.S., $5.00 elsewhere. WA state
     residents add 8.2% sales tax.  Terms are check or money order drawn
     on a U.S. bank and made out to AugmenTek. Sorry, no credit cards.


     This is a commercial product, and is not re-distributable.

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